Monday, September 25, 2006

26 Sept Lab Meeting

Adgenda: Jen will have her 're-do' of her sphingo presentation. Ullas may update us on his JBC progress as well.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Howdy Y'all!

Greetin's from a location south of the Mason Dixon, way south.
I've arrived, settled, and to quote the classic movie "Kingpin," am finally above the law.
It's been a lot of work, but I like it. I've got three different classes this semester and four next with research and all the other faculty stuff.

If anyone's out this way, feel free to drop a line. There's lots of outdoor stuff to do here because there is nothing but outdoors. Atlanta is close by though if you prefer the city life.

Also, if you felt like giving a seminar I could hook you up. I'm the committee.

Here's the new info:


Halloween in T-47 days.

Monday, September 11, 2006

12 Sept Lab Meeting

The U-Man is re-presenting data this week (updated figures for his JBC submission he's working on)...come with your thinkin' caps on!!! We need lot's of critical input.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Day

Today's lab meeting was hopefully a watershed meeting...time will of course tell, but I hope that this is in fact the case. Next week (Tues 12 Sept), Ullas will present what is hopefully his final set of figures for his JBC manuscript...come with questions and comments, criticisms and complements.

Please do take comments made in lab meeting today to heart but not as personal attacks. Criticisms yes, attacks NO. The lab can only grow if we give it room to do so...we all have that capacity and will all benefit from doing so.

I'm proud of ALL of you presently in the lab and have high expectations for each of you - live up to them!

The Boss