Tuesday, October 17, 2006

BOO!!! It's that time of year...

Hey all

Time for some Halloween news from the Liscum Lab and the Liscum House of Horrors - If you are wondering what we're up to this Halloween season Click HERE and go to the News/Update section of Mannie's Halloween Page

Happy Haunting

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lab Meeting 17 Oct

All - B will be presenting 'manuscript' ready first versions of hph data (ALL data!) this week at lab meeting. The purpose is to go through tthe data with him in a similar fashion to how we've went through U-man's data to revise/tweak stuff so he can start finalizing what will go into the manuscript!

These data-storming sessions work only if eveyone, presenter and critics, all put their energy into tthis. We've all stepped up to the plate recently...great job...let's keep it up.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

10/10/06 Lab meeting

Hello everyone:

For this Tuesday's lab meeting, the recent article of phosphatase (PP1) action in regulating stomatal opening will be discussed.

The link to the article is here:
