Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Boss Man

OK, I know it's not until tomorrow, but technically tomorrow is only 1 hour away. Anyhow, just thought I'd send a shout out to Mannie to wish him a happy birthday!! Make those lab members take you somewhere good for lunch:) Enjoy and have a great day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

60's TV still has value

Here's an episode from Star Trek (the original series) called "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" that every American who might vote for McCain this fall just because of race should watch. It's a classic episode as powerful today as when it was first aired:

Watch CBS Videos Online

One can hear the crickets chirping...ANYONE out there?

Well I guess I'll join B in questioning of any Liscum Lab members (present or former) aside from he and I ever use the Internet? The blog has been he and I having private little conversations and jabs at each other for too long now. Time for some new voices, hell even a comment. Come on Jo I know you get emails when a new post goes up...Renee has an excuse (I read her blog so I know!).

On the (good) chance that B is the only one reading this I have another Fu movie recommendation: Furious Slaughter. Another Old Skool Fu flick, this one starring Jimmy Wang Yu (the One-Armed Swordsman himself - although he's neither one armed or a swordsman in this particular movie). This is not an easy flick to find but if you can it's really quite good as 70's Fu goes - the story (and English dub) are good, the lead actor is perfect in this role, and the fights are plentiful and bloody (if not exceptionally fast or wire-fu). I posted a review on my HK Flix page (yes my screen name there is Porky Lo Meng, I'll explain to anyone who wants to know why). If you can't find this one and still want a decent Fu flick ( or a more modern one) try "Transporter 2" - very good action, and from a non-Asian dude!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

NEW - 2008 Lab T-shirt

Hey the 2008 Liscum Lab T-Shirt is ready to go to the printers. We need a head count (#'s and sizes) for anyone who wants one this week. Like to place the order by Fri 13 June.

If you want to see the design go to link Liscum Lab '08. We thought this design might appeal to not only the current members but some of our previous members!