Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Childhood and the X-Files Collide

Well sitting here watching the X-Files and one of my favorite two-parters is on: "Tempus Fugit"/"Max". Within the first 5 minutes of the second part ("Max") Mulder and Scully visit Max's (a frequent abductee) trailer in Barnes Corners, NY - here's the connection to my childhood - NO NOT frequent alien abduction, although some would conclude that would explain a lot - rather Barnes Corners (the real town) is located 6 miles from my hometown of Copenhagen NY. Just a couple minutes ago Mulder was in the Syracuse airport (or the facimile in Vancouver BC where the X-Files was filmed). Pretty cool to see ones childhood haunts depicted on TV in owns favorite show. It's been a long time since I've seen these episodes - not only do they remind me of home (NO not space) but they are killer episodes (and not for the plane crash at the heart of the story).

OK, back to the show and off the computer. Thought we needed an update to the blog...apparently everyone is so busy that they've had no time. Leave to the one who does the least in the lab (me) to post now!!

1 comment:

Alex said...

All these posts about the X-Files makes me want to get out my collection and start watching them again. I haven't watched an episode in over a year. So, are they showing them chronologically?