Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Daniel Craig IS 007!!!

Well I finally got to watch the latest Bond movie (Casino Royal) last night...I had predicted, much to the chagrin of many of those around me, that Daniel Craig had the edgy look that might make him good for the role. I think I've been vindicated - he is an awesome Bond. He's got more edge than even Connery had in the first couple Bond flicks...and he get's the crap kicked out of him multiple times (including some very man-cringging torture late in the movie....) and still comes back for more. The movie, while significantly different from the Fleming book of the same name in many ways did establish the 'back story' of Bond of the book fame at least. If Craig keeps the job maybe they will keep a Bond of the Fleming mold that is a hardened govt killer instead of the mamsy-pansy that Roger Moore regelated all subsiquent actors into. Anyhow, I will state that Craig is the closest ANY actor has come to the character Fleming describes in his books.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Darwin, monkeys, Gene Kelly, and Spencer Tracey????

Well it's been a while since we've had any blog action - time to kick up the new year (which is not so new anymore). Sitting here tonight doing a little manuscript work and caught a way cool movie on TCM - "Inherit the Wind" - dramatization (based on a Broadway play) of the "Scopes Monkey Trial" of 1925. For all you science types you ought to know about this landmark courtroom drama - the State of TN v John Scopes - Scopes was charged with breaking a then new law in TN that outlawed any public school teaching that questioned Divine Creation. Although Origin of the Species was first published in 1859 the concepts of evolution were only just beginning to be taught when Scopes was charged with breaking the Butler Act (the law mentioned above). This trial brought evolution and 'Darwinism' into the public and cultural eye. As so often happens with loud voices seeking to squelch free speech and thought, their actions tend to focus more attention to the issue(s) they take offense to than if left alone - thanks Bible thumpers, we who believe that man is an evolved species thank you!!!

Anyhow, back to “Inherit the Wind” - it was given 4 stars on TCM and I would agree. Great cast: including Spencer Tracey, Frederick March (1931 Jekyll and Hyde), Gene Kelly (yes the dancer, but no dancing in this film - Kelly is awesome as a smartass newspaper man), Claude Akins (a favored bad guy in TV and film westerns, e.g., the main heavy in Howard Hawk's “Rio Bravo” with the Duke), Dick York (Darrin on “Bewitched”), Harry Morgan (Col. Potter on M*A*S*H), and Norman Fell (….Mr. Roper!!). With the cast comes great acting!! Duh...Like several other amazing 'classic' courtroom drama's (e.g., “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Anatomy of a Murder”, “12 Angry Men”, “Judgment At Nuremberg” [also with Tracey]) the claustrophobic nature of the courtroom is ever present, the heat of the southern summer (think “Mockingbird”) is oppressive, and the oratory expected of a heavy hitter courtroom story is delivered with ease by March and Tracey. So, not only is the story interesting to anyone with a brain who uses it, but it's a really good movie for entertainment sake. I highly recommend it…I may actually try to purchase a copy I liked it so much.

OK, I've gotten the ball rolling…bring on the Lord~!