Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Daniel Craig IS 007!!!

Well I finally got to watch the latest Bond movie (Casino Royal) last night...I had predicted, much to the chagrin of many of those around me, that Daniel Craig had the edgy look that might make him good for the role. I think I've been vindicated - he is an awesome Bond. He's got more edge than even Connery had in the first couple Bond flicks...and he get's the crap kicked out of him multiple times (including some very man-cringging torture late in the movie....) and still comes back for more. The movie, while significantly different from the Fleming book of the same name in many ways did establish the 'back story' of Bond of the book fame at least. If Craig keeps the job maybe they will keep a Bond of the Fleming mold that is a hardened govt killer instead of the mamsy-pansy that Roger Moore regelated all subsiquent actors into. Anyhow, I will state that Craig is the closest ANY actor has come to the character Fleming describes in his books.

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