Thursday, May 03, 2007

Human Trash

Well I think I've once again become the ultra-cynic I was years ago. Optimism and belief in the best mankind has to offer has no basis in reality. This week has been a whopper and I'm now completely fed up with the human race that utilizes the same air I use!!! Does anyone have any integrity anymore? Can anyone value someone else for who they are instead of how it would make the analyst feel about themself? Can anyone reframe from telling lies, devalueing others, and participating in rumoring? Can anyone look out for someone other than themself? I'm convinced the answers to these and many other 'philisophical' questions are NO!!

My current take on the world around me is that most H. sapiens are not worth the flesh they are wraped in - sorry but there it is. If your not 'human trash' I apologize, I don't refer to you. For those of you who would answer no to my above queries, you are trash, simple to the point and final. Do us all a favor and join others like you in some bleak and black utopia somewhere other than here!!


Renee said...

Holy cow - someone must have really pissed you off. Sorry I'm not there to get the whole story!

Anonymous said...

in fact it's been a whole string of somebody's this week!!!