Saturday, September 29, 2007

MuuuuuHaaaahhhaaawwww - Tis the season

Well it's not cold fall weather but 'cooler' than it has been, I raked the lawn for the first time today, and tomorrow is the last day of Sept....soooooo...yup the Liscum House of Horrors graveyard (version Mark I; vMI) went up tonight!!! The two little ones were my helpers this year. This was the first year since Taylor was old enough to help that she didn't - guess this is a sign she's growing up (sigh). Anyhow she said she gets to help dad alone with he next version in a week or so (when other stuff gets added). Tonigh I only set lights and basic tombstones. Mixed it up a bit from previous years - time will tell if I like the new design.

Got 4 more pumpkins last night off the pumpkin mountain at Hy-Vee (literally it's a small mountain...Ok the size of the hill "the Englishman went up"). Have 7 total ready for their sacrifices. Maybe I'll start tomorrow night...trying to juggle reading/reviewing grant proposals for the NSF panel I'm serving on in early Nov with this blessed of all holiday seasons!!!

More to come...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

WOW!!! How has this happened to US.

How many times does our glorious leader have to say things like this (Mandela comment) before people wake up and realize we have an idiot at the helm?

Just a query from a concerned and disturbed citizen.