Saturday, September 29, 2007

MuuuuuHaaaahhhaaawwww - Tis the season

Well it's not cold fall weather but 'cooler' than it has been, I raked the lawn for the first time today, and tomorrow is the last day of Sept....soooooo...yup the Liscum House of Horrors graveyard (version Mark I; vMI) went up tonight!!! The two little ones were my helpers this year. This was the first year since Taylor was old enough to help that she didn't - guess this is a sign she's growing up (sigh). Anyhow she said she gets to help dad alone with he next version in a week or so (when other stuff gets added). Tonigh I only set lights and basic tombstones. Mixed it up a bit from previous years - time will tell if I like the new design.

Got 4 more pumpkins last night off the pumpkin mountain at Hy-Vee (literally it's a small mountain...Ok the size of the hill "the Englishman went up"). Have 7 total ready for their sacrifices. Maybe I'll start tomorrow night...trying to juggle reading/reviewing grant proposals for the NSF panel I'm serving on in early Nov with this blessed of all holiday seasons!!!

More to come...

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