Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Big Show

Well, I can't really say it's the "big" time, but I'm happy about it nonetheless and since this is the forum for Liscum Lab posts, here's my update. I'm finally above the an associate professor! Yep, I'm packing up my stuff and moving to a new school in Georgia. Now, if I can just forget that this is the same area where Deliverance was filmed, I'll be fine.

Anyways, to finance my move, I was thinking to host a poker party, but then I remembered that I suck at poker and would end up losing, so I think I'll have a euchre night instead- in the coming week or two. I'll keep the board posted.


Anonymous said...



bcelaya79 said...

Good for you man! Anything you might need help with (like moving) let me know.

Renee said...

Good for you - I know teaching was what you always wanted to do! Good luck with everything!!

Renee said...

Leave it to Jim to come up with a pig calling contest:) (Hi Jim!) Though I know if we were in town Ed would be up for that!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.