Friday, January 20, 2006


Well I think B is shaking with pure adrenalin-driven excitement today. Our long awaited (for B anyhow) venture to the new Columbia Hooters is nearly upon us. We should all take this as an opportunity to visualize the male of our species in a long lost jungle stalking habitat where bagging a mate was paramount to everything aside from eating (the latter of which is apparently easier to do at Hooters than bagging a mate!). Hmmmm, this seems like a science field trip to me...

1 comment:

Renee said...

And you call me a "science geek". Only a true science geek would turn a trip to Hooters into a "science field trip" :)

According to Ed, when you take a child to Hooters you get a lot of attention from the waitresses - so maybe you should let Brandon hold Mannie for a while tonight!

Be sure to take the camera - I want pics!!