Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"This Is Going to Hurt Me More Than It Will Hurt You!"

Tomorrow is shaping up to be a good "dad day" - I have to take ALL three of my kids to Green Meadows tomorrow to get their flu shots!!! I can hear the growns from all those as excited as I (and my kids iy turns out) get about needles being driven into our arms. Taylor is currently the only child who knows we are "going to see mommy at er work". In fact I told her this morning (we've been planning this trip for a few days) not to mention the real reason for the thurs trip to her brother and sister - big mistake (hindsight is "20/40" as Dan Q. once said) - right before bedtime tonight she asks me in front of Kasey (who gets the most freaked about visits to the Doc): "Dad does Kasey know why we ARE REALLY going to visit mom tomorrow?" We some quick thinking got me out of that little moment without having to beat either child!

I'm not looking forward to teaching a class tomorrow with no syllabus even prepared, followed by an afternoon of screaming kicking children. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGG.....

OK, somebody else needs to break themselves away from their work to post something...otherwise I want to see thick notebooks of data in lab meeting tuesday!!! (Actually maybe I should expect that anyhow...there's a thought...I'll rumminate on that for a bit)

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