Saturday, January 21, 2006

NaCl & Latex - Did You Know You Can Find It In Great Concentrations in Columbia Outside the University?

Well tonight was our lab outing and like any good field trip - and yes even Renee will agree that this now constitutes a "science field trip" - I learned something new. I learned that one can find high concentrations of NaCl and latex in at least one place in Columbia that is not a University - Hooters!! I swear every waitress there was carrying at least a quart-n-half of NaCl and four good large gloves worth of latex!!

Beyond the learning experience I think everyone had a good time - I gotta give it to B and Jo, the wings are pretty good. While the hottest ones were best the milder ones had good flavor. B got a special "gift" for his B day, although I don't think it's what any of us expected - he got to hula-hop with the Hooter girls encouraging him on - they didn't partake in anyway - I venture to say B felt a little ripped off but I gotta say everyone else got their money's worth of the "Latino 2D Torso Shimmy" - I gotta get Taylor to give B hula-hop lessons.

Here's to modern cosmetics!

BTW, if you're familiar with the Howard Stern show you're familiar with the term "But-er-face", I think it's fair to say a lot of the Hooters girls have that syndrome - apparently they ran out of $ after the gloves and NaCl solutions!


Renee said...

Tell me you DID gets pics of the hula hooping - I'm dying to see that!

Anonymous said...

Jo did!!! I almost pissed my pants.