Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Too busy with lab drama to post???

OK - I admit - I've been lurking. Trying desperately to keep up with the lab, but since I'm not an X-Files fan, don't have much to add comment-wise. So for those of us who need a Liscum Lab fix - more posts please..........

Anyhow - life here on Wisteria Lane is uneventful. Both of the F1s have been sick off and on for over a week - we had to take Abby into be tested for whooping cough (still waiting on test results, but I don't think she has it) and Ethan has been running a fever since Saturday. I'm about ready to disinfect the house with chlorox!

That's about the exciting news here - see why I need a lab fix??


Nichole said...

We've had a lot of sickliness in our house lately, too. As for the blog updates, Alex's invitation to join didn't work, so he can't post anything. I think it's a conspiracy.*

*Breath deeply, lab drama queens. I'm kidding.

Renee said...

Maybe someone who knows how to do such things can send him another invitation - I do not fall in that category as I am not computer savvy........

Sorry to hear you have also been invaded by illness - maybe we could get a bulk deal on chlorox;)

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how to invite people to join the blog. But some people who didn't get an invitation figured out how to join. So there's a way!